Trade With Edge


I am so confident, in my systems that I offer a money 100% money-back guarantee
If you put forth effort to learn and apply the amazing material inside of this course, we are so confident that you will see results, that we will refund 100% of your purchase price.
TDT is one of the only online Forex Training Courses that offers a 100% RISK FREE GUARANTEE.
But, this guarantee is not for people who want to "try-out" the training course. We have a very strict refund policy that you must follow in order to apply for a refund. Just so there is no confusion, this refund policy only covers your purchase price if you in fact complete the course material and follow the instructions exactly. And, you must have hard proof of doing this. Here is a screenshot of our full refund policy so that there is absolutely ZERO confusion.

So, if you are someone who is dabbling in Forex and are not ready to follow the instructions in the course correctly or are not driven enough to do whatever it takes to become a consistently profitable trader, then I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do and I hope the best for you, but I want to save my time for the extremely dedicated trader who is ready to do whatever it takes. If that is you, then I cannot wait to work with you and I will see you inside of The Rule-Based Price Action Course!
When would be a good time to start?
I remember when I started I had no idea of what to do and spent far too long losing money and time.
If I would have had a mentor to show and explain all the things I was missing, my learning would have been halved by tenfold.
So that's why I have made my strategies available, I want to help YOU get to that next level.
I want to help as many traders as I can to enjoy the fulfilled life that they deserve!
As I see it you have three options...
Option 1:
You could keep losing, constantly searching and scouring the internet trying to find the 'Holy Grail' of strategies
Option 2:
Do Absolutely Nothing... Accept that your current circumstances are as good as it gets and suck it up.
Option 3:
You invest in yourself and give my strategies/course a try. Potentially saving yourself years of frustrating time and effort, and become a successful trader!
If that sound's good to you?
Then let's get started!
By enrolling, you agree to the terms and conditions stated below:
The information provided by TheDivergentTrader are meant for educational purposes, and in no instance to be regarded as investment advice.
TheDivergentTrader is not liable for any losses incurred from your investment activities.
Futures and Forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.