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The Fastest Way To Becoming a Consistently Profitable Trader in the Next 12 Weeks

My 1-on-1 coaching program is designed to fast-track your progress as a trader through my 3-stage process building a reliable strategy and iron trading mindset.

Review Your Strategy & Risk

Work On Managing Your Emotions

Create a personalized action plan

Join over 900+ successful clients

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Trusted by:


Proof This Works – Client Results

Don't just take it from me. Hear what my previous clients have had to say for themselves

I'm not a victim of my thinking...

I can tell when these things come to my mind and I have the option to stop. It's different. Now, understanding how losses are part of trading, it's easier to manage them without emotional interference.

Diego Atilano - Trader from Mexico

My equity curve has bottomed and is now moving in the right direction -

The calls were always structured. I think through this [coaching] the goal is to lay the solid foundation which we did for me, and to start moving the equity curve in the right direction.

Mike Brausch - Ex Material Science Process Engineer

I was about to quit...

Before taking the course I didn't have any specific plan or discipline. I just came across The Divergent Trader, so since then basically, my mindset was different. Something really changed my mind and I'm trying to be the best person I can every single day.

Paul Reyes - Trader from Ecuador

If this is you trading...


Triggering Event 

Missing a trade
Losing a trade
Make a mistake etc


Negative Thought/Feeling

Automatic Negative thoughts, Anxious bodily sensations, tightness, heart races 


Excessive Inward Attention

You engage in replaying the event over & over via ruminating or worrying.



A Negative Consequence is then created e.g. Over risking, jumping in with fomo. 



You keep repeating the vicious cycle and you don't know why or how to stop it.

Then we need to get to the root of the problem and fix your trading psychology from the ground up.


Then Let's Help You Build a Strong Mental Edge & Trading Psychology

I will help you create an iron mindset to set you up for long-term success as a trader. Through my meta awareness training and peak performance techniques & methods.

✓  Receive personalized guidance

✓  Uncover your root trading problems

✓  Work with an actionable plan

✓  Regular calls to track your progress

Join over 900+ successful clients


Alan Edward

10+ years experience

Trading & Peak Performance 

Here's What One of My Clients Achieved After Just 6 Months

Optimized Strategy & Routine

Worked on psycology & emotions

Client became consistently profitable

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The Coaching Program

What I teach to each and every client to ensure that they become grounded, emotionally-aware traders that are confident in working to their long-term trading success

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