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The Only Simplified & Systemized Forex Trading Strategies You'll Need

Here at The Divergent Trader, we use Rule-Based/Mechanical strategies to help make trading simple and effective. And teach you the exact step-by-step blueprint that is needed to create a successful trading career.

✓  Trade With Confidence

✓  Remove The Guesswork

✓  Act Without Hesitation 

✓  Simplify Your Trading

Join over 900+ successful students

Watch This!


If You're On This Page Im Going To Presume

You're Here Because You're Tired Of Remaining Stuck Within Your Trading...

You're tired of the guessing,
The "attempting" to predict the market,
And being unsure about the trades you're taking.

You're done with having no plan,
No proven structure & the inconsistent results that have led you round in circles so far... 

If That's The Case, I Can Help.

If I could share my strategy with you that completely
​removes the guessing, the predicting, the worrying and doubt ​caused by the usual
discretionary strategies that lead you around in circles.

How Would That Impact Your Trading?

If I could literally hand over my statistically proven strategy,
with a clear set of rules that you can implement straight away.

​providing a framework to help you better-understand the market
along with removing all the stumbling-blocks that have help you back so far...

​What impact would that have on your confidence?

​...Not to mention your profitability.

To Tell You Exactly How My Strategy Works:

They solve the problem of having to use discretion, completely removing the need to guess, or predict the markets, or mark levels & so on.

​My strategy is based around a completely mechanical,
black & white setup.
All we do is await the set up,
execute & walk away.

​Solving the problem of knowing where to trade, when to trade, etc.


It's an extremely simple, time-efficient & most importantly consistent way to profit
from the markets with no stress, no guesses, no predictions & no worry whatsoever.

Imagine A Consistently Profitable Strategy That Makes Trading Not Only Easy, But Stress-Free, Worry-Free... 

I know what you're saying to yourself: "They don't exist", and I don't blame you for thinking that,

which is why I physically trade the strategies, live and regularly share videos of me doing so in my discord.

With all that said, please, don't take my word for

how easy & straight-forward the

strategies I share are to trade

​Or how consistently they continue to perform.

​Listen to the Traders who've joined me in training them.

​Their Feedback Speaks For Itself:

What Other RBPA Students Are Saying...


Trusted by:

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Incredible Results, For Very Little Work.

It took me months of hard work, & expensive education & mentoring to learn what I've learned
- That being how to identify edges, build strategies around them,
build performance data on them & take them live.

But it was worth it,

Every penny of thousands of pounds I spend training with professional traders has returned to me ten-fold.

​Exiting trades early out of fear or greed, running losses in the 'hope' they'd turn around & come good.

​taking trades that weren't either part of my plan or my strategy. That's if if I even had one.

​I was trading with emotion &
without edge

The thing is, without edge, you're toast. You Will Never, Ever Succeed As A trader Without It, & It's Exactly What my Strategy Provides:

Statistically proven sources of edge,
alongside a clear list of rules to implement on a daily basis.

​With my strategy in place, you'll finally know; Exactly where to enter,
where to place your stop, where to place your take-profit & after that,
you'll walk away, completely removing emotion from the equation.

​Are you trading without edge?
If so, quite frankly, you're destined to remain on the hamster wheel
losing money month after month,
but it isn't your fault.

We've all been there, I've been there.

​As soon as we come into this industry we're given the same old

 'predict the market',
the same old

'follow my signal service'...

The Losing Money Begins & Doesn't End...

Until You Find Strategies That, Like Those I Trade, Provide Edge.

Now, if you're thinking to yourself; "Why haven't I heard of a mechanical strategy before?"
I agree with you; It amazes me that more traders don't know
​that we're able to use statistics to prove a strategy provides edge,
& then simply apply rules to parameters & follow these rules.

​It amazes me that the vast majority of traders out there still think
that you have to use fundamental analysis, live-rooms,
etc to profit from the markets.
​It's just not true.

Then Again, The Vast Majority Of traders Lose Money,
So Why Are You Doing What They All Do?

That's the reason that we - Those of us trading statistically proven strategies that give us edge,
apply a set of easy-to-follow rules to
remove emotion that prevents all other traders from achieving profitability, 
- are profitable, whilst the vast majority of other traders are not.

​The same month I began trading mechanical strategies,
I escaped the pain of taking trades based on 'best guesses' & on predictions.

I left behind that 'unsure' feeling that comes with trading a strategy that you can't prove
​delivers results or has an edge, & by simply following a statistically proven strategy
& applying a clear set of rules, ​I finally became consistently profitable.

​& there's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the same & banking wins
just like those we experience on a regular basis.

​Again, you can watch me trade the strategies live in my discord & I'm literally walking you through trades as they take place.



Listen, Can I Just Share The Strategy With You?

Imagine you begin this year trading the Mechanical MW strategy,
& 3 weeks in you have 10 winning trades out of 11, via the USDCAD market alone.

​How would that have impacted your account balance. not to mention your confidence?

Picture yourself not having to make any more 'best-guesses',
& never having to be in a trade where you're not worried about the outcome,
or if your strategy even works, ever again.

Imagine removing all the noise that the majority of traders
- The vast majority of whom are losing traders
- concern themselves with & having a proven strategy in place & a clear set of rules to follow.

How would that impact your trading?

But What You're Really Getting Aren't Just Strategies

You're gaining control, you're gaining confidence & you're finally going to gain profitability.

Opening the door to a permanent source of additional income, freeing you from the need to work for someone else for the rest of your life.

& on top of that, your going to solve the problems and overcome the obstacles that the vast majority of traders cannot.

​You're going to completely remove emotion from your trading - No more guesses. No more predictions. No more worry, and no more stress.

​You'll finally see setups that only professional traders are able to identify, & will finally provide a profitable source of edge for you to capitalise on,

​Believe me, retail traders - The 90% of traders out there who lose money -
Don't know that these edges even exist.

All You Need To Do Is Simply Follow The Proven Rules Outlined In The Strategy Video-course, & The Money Will Take Care Of Itself.

Get The Mechanical Rules Now:



What You'll Receive;

As soon as you've joined the program, you will have instant access to my premium video-courses, & coaching info, right away.

​You'll have access to my full mechanical strategy immediately, you'll also receive access to my live trading and in-depth recaps and trade analysis.

As an additional helping hand, I'm going to provide completely free on-going support for you, making myself available at all times going forward via discord, so if you have any questions or need any guidance whatsoever, I'm always here and on-hand to help.

And To Go Further Yet...

I've included some of my secret 'edges' that 90% of the losing traders don't even know exist.

You will have exclusive access.

& to go further...

See My Guarantee:

I also offer a 100% money-back guarantee making your purchase entirely risk-free, simply put, the strategy either provides profitable trades, or your money back.

​yes, you read that right.

I'm so confident that you'll get results using the strategy that if you simply take in the entirety of the course-contents, & then apply them correctly whilst keeping a record of your trades, if the strategy doesn't provide profitable trades, then I'll not only refund you in-full immediately, I'll also continue to work with you & support you going forward at no extra cost.

As far as I'm aware there isn't a single other trader out there who'll go to these lengths, but again, that's how confident I am in what I provide.

Let's Get You Started:

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If you struggle with...


Trading Strategy

Trade with an edge using easy to follow mechanical rules to help remove emotions.


Trading Psycology

Learn in depth methods and tools on how to stay cool under pressure with Psychology modules


Risk Management

Learn how to effectively apply risk management to avoid the risk of ruin and let the probabilities play out.

Then it's time to take the first step to becoming a consistently profitable trader today!

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And No, The Video-Course Is Not Confusing Or 'Over-Detailed'.

Each setup we trade is simple. After going over the pdfs and video-courses you'll have a complete understanding of the edge, the strategy & the rules.

​You'll be ready to trade it with me tomorrow.

Your Job is Simple...

​Learn The Rules.

​Apply The Rules

​Profit From The Strategies.

​It Literally Could Not Be Simpler.

​So, What Are You Waiting For?

But, If You'd Prefer To Carry On Losing Money...

I can't stop you.

​If you'd prefer to carry on making best-guesses, following other traders calls, paying for live-room access & running on the same retail-hamster-wheel as all of the other losing traders out there, again, I can't stop you doing that.

​What I can do however is help you  to finally trade with confidence, finally end the ongoing losing streak, finally begin trading profitability & begin making money with a strategy that provides an edge.

​When you open the charts tomorrow, do you want to be left having to predict where price will go based on a guess?

​...Or, would you prefer to have a proven framework in place that tells you exactly where price is statistically proven to head, along with having clear rules in place to make trading to the target we're presented with easy, stress-free & worry-free?

If You Prefer The Proven Method...

Why Learn From Me?

My name is Alan Edward.

I have traded close to 10 years for private investors as well as trading multiple prop firm accounts and for personal friends and family.

I have a PROVEN track record and share all my trades live on my VIP discord for students of my RBPA program for all to see.

So I KNOW what I’m doing and rest assured you are in safe hands!

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  • What is the Rule-Based Price Action (RBPA) course, and how can it benefit me as a trader?
    The Rule-Based Price Action course is a comprehensive trading education program designed to help traders become consistently profitable by teaching them my personal trading systems. This course is aimed at eliminating emotional trading and promoting a smarter, not harder, trading approach. It offers a structured, step-by-step method that covers strategy, psychology, and risk management, essential for successful trading. By enrolling, you'll learn to trade confidently, make quick decisions without hesitation, and apply risk management protocols to treat trading as a business. This course is beneficial for those struggling with losing money, hesitating, or experiencing constant stress in trading.
  • What strategies will I learn in the RBPA course, and are they applicable to all markets?
    In the RBPA course, you will learn simple, systematic strategies, including mechanical, price action, and hybrid approaches, specifically designed for intra-day and swing trading. The beauty of these strategies lies in their simplicity and systematic nature, making them easy to follow and implement. These strategies have been refined over years of hard work to eliminate unnecessary complexity, providing you with a clear and concise method to trade the markets. Importantly, these strategies are applicable to all markets and timeframes, including forex and cryptocurrencies, offering high probability and high win rate trading opportunities.
  • How does the RBPA course ensure that it fits my trading style and personality?
    The RBPA course goes beyond just teaching trading strategies; it focuses on ensuring that the strategies fit your personality and trading style. The course includes detailed instructions on how you can adapt the provided strategies to suit your individual needs, thereby enhancing your confidence and effectiveness as a trader. This personalization is crucial for your long-term success and consistency in trading. Additionally, the course offers insights into developing your own strategies in the future, leveraging the techniques and mental models taught in the course to foster a fully confident trading approach.

By enrolling, you agree to the terms and conditions stated below:

The information provided by TheDivergentTrader are meant for educational purposes, and in no instance to be regarded as investment advice. TheDivergentTrader is not liable for any losses incurred from your investment activities. Futures and Forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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